Thursday, February 5, 2009

inaurguratoin blog

The inauguration is when the next President of The United States of America is sworn in by the cheif Justice.But this time instead of having a caucasion president, we have an african amreican president.The president has to recite this: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

^The new president is Brack hussein Obama.He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on the 4th of August in the year of 1961 .He went to Harvard Law School.He is married to Michelle Obama and has two daughters named Malia Ann Obama, and Natasha(sasha) Obama. Before he was elected he lived in Chicago, Illinois(private), but he currently lives in the white house!

During his campain, his main message was about bringing change to America. One of his slogans was "Yes We Can", which was about unitng as a country which can bring change.I have seen alot of Obama merchandise, but the 3 things that really caught my eye was first these pair of sneakers that say Change we can believe in on one sneaker and the other sneaker it said yes we can with a picture of him on both sneakers, secondly this shirt that says Barack the vote with a picture of him in the backround and a check as the r, lastly is picture that says : "Do you smell what Barack is cookin'?".

Honestly the reason i voted for Obama is for two reasons, one because he's black, two because i just don't like Hillary Clinton and john McCain. However most of the people i know voted for him because he's black and they think we've had enough white presidents and i agree with them.In conclusion either way he's still our president so people who dont like him all i have to say is : deal with it!

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